Recap: I’m not dead

So I haven’t been here for a while, here is what I’ve done since my absence.

  1. I was in Italy when I was writing the majority of my #100days challenge but I was keeping it secret for safety reason. I stayed there for a month for some summer classes (two B’s).
  2. I went to Colorado with my girlfriend and her family for a week which was awesome
  3. I recently fell in love with a book series called Everyone loves large chests which I listened to on audible but recently found out that it’s a web series that’s wayyyyyyy ahead of the books. It’s my first lewdfantasy genre series and I honestly love it (pretty much anything video game related: Sword art online, konosuba, ready player one, ascend online).
  4. I just found out where I need to approve my guestbook entries and I approved all of them. Thank you for your concern and support for this outlet, it really means the world to me.

Ok so this is unorganized but that’s why we love listed. I didn’t die on May 24th but I did get pretty wasted and then proceeded to run through the streets of Florence to get back to my apartment to go to the bathroom. I don’t know why I stopped updating but I’m sorry for the wait. I might take up the #100days challenge but I might not. All I know is that I love this platform still and I’m excited to start posting again.

If anyone has any good Books, Anime, selfhelp, recipes, or life hacks (nsfw or otherwise) please send them my way.

I’ve been reading: meet the frugalwoods. I’ll talk more about this book and how it’s really inspiring me.

Also I’m hooked on those askreddit posts that are read by robots for some reason.

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