Saturday, Jul 6, 2024

hey y'all I just got access to my listed account back and I wanted to give an update.

I am married! It's been two years since then and life is really looking up. second, I have held three jobs since resigning from my first job out of university and next week I'm resigning from my current job to work for my wife as an assistant/house-husband. I will spend the rest of my days reading orders, packing orders, and shipping with more responsibility on the house front like cleaning, cooking, and taking our 17yo jack russel outside on regular intervals to free up my wife's time on money making tasks. I've scrubbed my journal here to focus on the turning points that really mattered.

Other things of note: I still am in the process of selling a bunch of things but for a time in between posts I worked at a camera shop so a lot of junk found it's way home (much to the dismay of my wife). I still struggle with dopamine management but I have a good feeling that with my new position I can work my way through it. I've dabbled with LLM's and image generation models, I got my self a quest 3 and I'm still on the fence on if I will use it or not and if I'm still a gamer. once I sell all the nonessentials we're going to look into getting a 3d printer for designing various fixes and a custom wheel cover for my prius. I freaking love my prius as it gamifys being efficient.

I'm sure I will wait months if not years to write another update

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